Sunday, November 4, 2012

No Gnews is Good Gnews

After finishing my hot buttered cinnamon toast and sipping on hot tea, the time had arrived for me to check the day’s top news headlines.  I had not seen the news before my morning commute, so I log into the computer at work and check the reports.  In hopes that I did not missed any great events overnight, I skimmed the headlines on one of America’s most trusted news sources:

In Sports:
LT Alleged Victim – I had no Choice
I have heard enough about Lawrence Taylor and the underage prostitute and I am disgusted by the whole scenario.  Until it’s time for his court case, I am not interested in the he said/she said surrounding the situation.

In Politics:
Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston finally play nice
How Bristol and Levi relate to politics, I will never understand.  If being the child of a female politician that a large part of America believes is an idiot makes a story about you and your baby daddy politics, so be it.

In Justice:
Conrad Murray Supporters Plan Demonstration
The man who murdered the King of Pop now needs people to support him. Where was Michael’s support when you waited to call the EMT’s when his heart stopped?

In Movies:
Lindsey Lohan – dumped from film
After her unsuccessful stint in rehab, rejection from multiple Hollywood nightclubs and drunken Twitter fights with her girlfriend, what movie director would want this train wreck to be affiliated with their movie? 
After realizing that all of this is old news and things that I have heard repeatedly, I move my fact finding mission on over to the next most reliable website:  The information is usually similar to that of TMZ but at least there will be colorful commentary to accompany it. As I scan the site, I noticed some different news stories that are of some interest to me.

Kelly Rowland continues to deny those pesky rivalry with Beyonce rumors
Since the breakup of Destiny’s Child, Kelly has been trying to make a name for herself in the music industry.  Only if Beyonce would get pregnant or if Lady Gaga would take a break, Kelly could find some room to fit in.

Romance is never dead for Heidi and Seal 
We are very well aware that romance is not dead between those two.  I am expecting the announcement of baby number 4 as soon as I quit typing this.

Lil Wayne gets sued in prison AGAIN!
2009 was a good year for Weezy, 2010 not so much. With four baby mommas, federal prison time and now a fourth lawsuit for withheld royalties, Wayne is probably missing the days of “bling, bling”.
Ten minutes later, I venture back to to see if there have been any updates.

Tiger Woods has a bulging dick (disc)
Warrant singer arrested for a DUI
Tom Cruise – Betrayed by Scientology?

These headlines go on for page after page. There is even a live feed that gives me real time updates from Hollywood.  While me and 7 million other people focus on the “news’, there are natural disasters occurring in Tennessee and Kentucky, car bomb threats in Times Square, and the NBA Playoffs. It seems that I have lost touch with what is most important.  I cannot focus on the problems of the world when there is celebrity drama surrounding me. To see famous people fail in life and fall from their pedestals is something that makes me smile. These antics make celebrities more human, more like me.  So instead of CNN, MSNBC or even Fox, I will always get my information from gossip sites.  

*this piece was written May 2010


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